Municipal Transportation Agency


Municipal Transportation Agency

We work together to plan, build, operate, regulate, and maintain the transportation network, with our partners, to connect communities.

City and County of San Francisco city seal

Strategic Plan Highlights

Create a Safer Transportation Experience for Everyone
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • Excellent City Services

Create a Safer Transportation Experience for Everyone

  • Implement Vision Zero, the City’s road safety program that protects the one million people who move about the City every day.
  • Install cameras on Muni vehicles to prevent assaults on SFMTA staff and transit riders.


Promote Sustainable Modes of Transportation
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services
  • A City and Region Prepared for the Future

Promote Sustainable Modes of Transportation


Improve Environment & Quality of Life in San Francisco
  • Residents and families that thrive
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services
  • A City and Region Prepared for the Future

Improve Environment & Quality of Life in San Francisco


Create a Workplace that Delivers Outstanding Service
  • Clean, Safe and Livable Communities
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services
  • A City and Region Prepared for the Future

Create a Workplace that Delivers Outstanding Service

  • Create a collaborative and innovative work environment by improving internal communications and employee accountability.
  • Improve relationships and partnerships with our stakeholders by implementing robust public outreach and community engagement standards.