War Memorial & Performing Arts Center

War Memorial & Performing Arts Center

We provide safe, first‐class facilities to promote cultural, educational, and entertainment opportunities in a cost‐effective manner for enjoyment by the public.

City and County of San Francisco city seal

Strategic Plan Highlights

Provide the Highest Level of Service to Visitors
  • A Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive City
  • Excellent City Services

Provide the Highest Level of Service to Visitors

  • Provide first-class facilities that are accessible to all residents for cultural, educational, and entertainment activities.
  • Offer below‐market rates for non‐profit cultural, artistic, and educational programming.
  • Upgrade communications materials to comply with the Language Access Ordinance.
  • Prioritize universal access Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance.


Maintain, Upgrade & Preserve Historic Facilities
  • Excellent City Services
  • A City and Region Prepared for the Future

Maintain, Upgrade & Preserve Historic Facilities

  • Reduce life safety hazards, dangerous conditions, and code deficiencies.
  • Create a modern and comprehensive emergency action plan with City safety departments.
  • Increase departmental technology literacy and competency.


Increase Partnerships & Collaborations
  • A City and Region Prepared for the Future

Increase Partnerships & Collaborations

  • Continue partnership with San Francisco Public Utilities Commission on energy efficiency projects including Phase 3 installation of solar panels on the Opera House.


Meet the Needs of Today Without Compromising the Future
  • A City and Region Prepared for the Future

Meet the Needs of Today Without Compromising the Future

  • Improve indoor environmental quality and water usage using LEED standards.